FLW design inspired Bulova Clocks
Art Glass examples and replicas
Florida Southern College
Churches - Public - Commercial bldgs.
Homes of distinction
"Nature is my manifestation of God. I go to nature every day for inspiration in the day's work. I follow in building the principles which nature has used in its domain" --Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright is arguably America's most imporatant architect. Certainly he is the best known, and is thought to be one of the most pivotal designers and pioneers of the 2oth. century architecture. Controversial, innovative, arrogant, egotistical, and genius have all been used to describe him and his work. There are many pages on the web that detail his biography, the history of his buildings and his influence on our society so this need not be one of them. I just like the guy's work.

This could be thought of as a fan page, but really it is again a place where I want to share the things that have come out of Frank's Lloyd Wright's vision and the influence.

I was first exposed to Wright while on a business trip to Pittsburgh in 1998. My co-workers Russel Gunn, Jim Galon, and Simon Buckley took a day trip, thanks to Russ's interest in the man, to tour Wrights house called Fallingwater in the foothills of the mountains an hour SE of Pittsburgh. Fallingwater has been touted as the most important building of the 20th century. I don't know about that, but it certainly is famous even today, nearly 70 years later, and it is a truly awesome house. I certainly was not prepared for the influence it would have on my interest in things Wright or in arcitecture, the art of design, nature, and photography. It is a museum now and the tours are exceptional. I plan to go back.

So here will be photos of some of his more interesting buildings (to me), and the clock by Bulova inspired by designs in many of those houses, churches, his studio in Oak Park IL, or at Taliesin (Tal- e -es - sin ), his one time home in WI. Also here are many of his fantastic art glass designs that ornament and articulate the windows and skylights in many of his home. I have found his work touches something in a lot of people. Drop me an email and let me know what you think.

FLW design inspired Bulova Clocks  |  Art Glass examples and replicas  |  Florida Southern College  

Churches - Public - Commercial bldgs  |  Homes of distinction |

Youth is a circumstance you can't do anything about.
                     The trick is to grow up without getting old.
--Frank Lloyd Wright

Inner Songs Menus